Big thanks to Rightstuf Anime for taking the time to review Amy's Guide to Best Behavior in Japan: Do it Right and Be Polite! by Amy Chavez.
"The majority of anime fans eventually start making plans to visit the Land of the Rising Sun. However, once you arrive in Japan mimicking what you’ve picked up from your favorite anime series may not be the best idea! So what are you to do? I’d highly suggest reading through Amy’s Guide to Best Behavior in Japan Do It Right and Be Polite! as it is chock full of good advice and tips...
Overall I really enjoyed Amy’s Guide to Best Behavior in Japan and felt like I learned a lot for someone who’s already taken lots of Asian Studies courses! Plus with the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo coming up fast I can easily see many people tucking this travel sized book into a small bag. Perfect for exploring the wonders of Japan! So plan your pilgrimage now and heed Amy’s advice!"