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Submission Guidelines


Proposals for publication should include items from the following checklist:

  1. A one-page cover letter summarizing what the book is, who it's for, and why it's useful, important, necessary, or unique.

  2. An expanded table of contents, chapter by chapter with summaries. Indicate what will be included in the front- and backmatter (introduction, preface, bibliography, glossary, index, etc.).

  3. For fiction or translation, at least two sample chapters. For non-fiction, an introduction and one sample chapter, or two sample chapters. If a translation, what is the rights situation with the original author or publisher? Do you have permission to translate the work and seek a publisher for it?

  4. Estimated manuscript length and completion date (if it's still incomplete). 

  5. Number of illustrations and what kind (line drawings, black and white photographs, maps, color, etc.). Are there any special production or handling requirements? You can attach or zip-archive low-resolution jpegs or tif files. Do NOT send original art or high-resolution (that is, large) files unless we ask you to.

  6. Information about you. Include a c.v. if you have one, and indicate your qualifications to write on your subject.

  7. A discussion of the size of the market for your book and how your book compares to its competition. What makes it different/better? What are you prepared to do to promote the book (very important!)? Do you know others in your field who will provide reviews or testimonials?

  8. Your financial and scheduling requirements, if any.

  9. (New) Are you active in social media? Blogging?



Email your submission to:


Send all materials to:

Stone Bridge Press
1393 Solano Avenue
Suite B
Albany CA 94706


Please note that we are primarily interested in books with a Japan/China/Asia connection (however tenuous). If you write genre fiction, like science fiction, war stories, mysteries, and romances, or commercial fiction, you probably shouldn't be talking to us at all. Please also do not send poetry or children's illustrated book submissions.

No materials can be returned to you unless you provide us with sufficient return postage. We generally reply by email.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Stone Bridge Press
Berkeley, California


For further insight into the submissions process we encourage you to take a listen to the following podcast episode with our publisher, Peter Goodman. 


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