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  • Writer's pictureStone Bridge Press

Tricycle Magazine reviews 'My Year of Dirt and Water'

Tricycle Magazine reviews 'My Year of Dirt and Water'

We are excited to share a new review from Tricycle Magazine of Tracy Franz's My Year of Dirt and Water: Journal of a Zen Monk's Wife in Japan.

Noelle Oxenhandler writes "Tracy Franz’s My Year of Dirt and Water is the gracefully written record of a challenging year in the life of its author. The vivid and highly distilled prose drew me in from the beginning and gave me the pleasurable sense of a journey to a world different from my own. Yet as I read, I found a kind of writer’s koan emerging: how does one write about an ongoing state of loneliness and isolation in a way that creates a palpable sense of intimacy for the reader?"



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