Sep 26, 2019Ripe Mangoes reviews 'A Shameful Life' by Osamu DazaiRipe Mangoes, a blog that highlights great manga, comics and other works from Japan has reviewed A Shameful Life, the new translation of Osa
Sep 4, 2019'A Shameful Life' reviewed by Japan Visitor"Listed by some as the second-best selling novel of all-time in Japan, behind only Natsume Soseki's Kokoro." Thanks to Marshall Hughes at J
Feb 25, 2019'A Shameful Life' by Osamu Dazai reviewed by the Asian Review of BooksJohn Darwin Van Fleet goes into extensive detail in his Asian Review of Books review for the new Mark Gibeau translation of the Osamu Dazai
Jan 24, 2019'A Shameful Life' by Osamu Dazai reviewed by The Japan Society UK Review"Ningen Shikkaku (translated as ‘A Shameful Life’) still persists as one of the most widely read and critically acclaimed novels in Japan.
Jan 14, 2019The difference between Mark Gibeau's and Donald Keene's translation of Osamu Dazai's 'Ningen Shikkaku'A Shameful Life, Mark Gibeau's new translation of the Osamu Dazai classic, Ningen shikkaku is finally available. But many are wondering how
Dec 17, 2018Rightstuf dives into 'A Shameful Life', the new translation of Osamu Dazai's Ningen shikkakuThanks to Quinn at Rightstuf Anime for reviewing A Shameful Life, Mark Gibeau's new translation of the classic by Osamu Dazai. As a recurrin
Nov 26, 2018'A Shameful Life' reviewed by The Complete Review A Shameful Life: Bingen shikkaku, the new translation of the Osamu Dazai classic translated by Mark Gibeau has been reviewed by The Complete
Nov 12, 2018"The Japan Times" review 'A Shameful Life'A journey to hell with Osamu Dazai, Japan’s ultimate bad boy novelist. Damian Flanagan dives into the new translation by Mark Gibeau of this