Ripe Mangoes reviews 'A Shameful Life' by Osamu Dazai
Ripe Mangoes, a blog that highlights great manga, comics and other works from Japan has reviewed A Shameful Life, the new translation of Osa
Ripe Mangoes reviews 'A Shameful Life' by Osamu Dazai
'A Shameful Life' reviewed by Japan Visitor
'A Shameful Life' by Osamu Dazai reviewed by the Asian Review of Books
The difference between Mark Gibeau's and Donald Keene's translation of Osamu Dazai's 'Ningen Shikkaku'
Rightstuf dives into 'A Shameful Life', the new translation of Osamu Dazai's Ningen shikkaku
'A Shameful Life' reviewed by The Complete Review
"The Japan Times" review 'A Shameful Life'